Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Blackworm CM-24. File deletion has begun according to F-Secure

This "Blackworm" is set to fire up on Februari 3, and infected machines will have all their DOC/XLS/PPT/ZIP/RAR/PDF/MDB files overwritten. It will attack all mounted drives, like USB memory sticks, USB floppies and harddrives. An estimated 300.000 machines are infected, so if you are in doubt, have your removable devices unmounted, and scan your system for the virus. The worm is also known as Nyxem, from Nyxem.A. The original Nyxem.A was launched as a DDoS attack against the New York Mercantile Exchange.
(Disgruntled former co-worker?)

So dig out the blackworms before Februari 3, and keep your files intact. Most of the leading anti-virus software (updated ones) can clean this worm out or/and check out bitdefenders removal tools. Removal Tools
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